Saturday, July 22, 2017

Magic Box

Magically protected my money box for art shows. A pox upon any who open the box! Mwahahahaha!

Night Gaunt

My near satanic Night Gaunt is one of the most metal things I have drawn. 

Bishop Fish

Bishop Fish is a 16th century Catholic legend of a sea monster who was captured and held by the king of Poland. When it was at last released it made the sign of the cross and blessed the monks whe had set it free.

Batty for Bats

Doodling bats is something great to pass the time. They are the coolest creatures ever.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Medusa Wreath

My Medusa wreath was a big hit, but sadly the sun destroyed it and I am not sure I can fix it well enough to reuse it again. Time will tell. 

Dark Magic

I will get over my trip to Salem and stop posting about it one day, but it is not THIS day!

Spell book fragment

Two of my practice sketchbook illustrations. I have been told they look very spell book like. The runes are what really give it the right look. 


My horror paintings over the past two years.

Creepmas in July

As I have failed spectacularly to post anything in a long while, here are the Creepmas photos I took this past Yule. My ghouls were hanging out by the tree all month.

Marley's Wreath

This past Yule I created a Christmas Carol themed wreath for the front door, and  someone liked it so much that I sold it to them and now it lives in Maine. I will most likely make another, I love it very much and the creepy Christmas thing is very suited to me and my fiends.